Trip Notes
We are so excited that you’ll be coming aboard Shantaram, and can’t wait to have you with us. Sailing holidays are such an adventure, and the Maldives is the most awesome destination. Being on a yacht is a little different from staying at a resort, so please find some information below. If we don’t cover all the questions you have, please drop us an email.
General info

A thirty day free visa is issued on arrival for all Nationalities, provided your passport has at least 1 months validity. Please check your passport. Due to a recent update in local regulations in the Maldives, only owners of the yacht (or their family & friends) are permitted to travel aboard foreign-flagged yachts like ours. To ensure your trip is both legal and seamless, we’ve created a unique solution that allows you to enjoy your charter without any hassle. By issuing you Class B shares in the yacht for your trip, you join us as shareholders/owners. You can read more about it here. It requires no action on your part.
We will complete the Imuga form on your behalf and send you the screenshot & QR code before you depart. As you'll be a shareholder/owner for the trip, you will enter on a crew visa instead of a tourist visa. This still allows you to visit resorts should you be doing a resort + charter trip. On arrival at immigration, if asked, inform them you are joining Yacht Shantaram as crew.
If you are joining the yacht directly on arrival, you will be met on arrival by one of our representatives from Secret Paradise. They will assist you in getting a Travel data sim if you require one, and will escort you to the awaiting private speedboat to be transferred to the yacht. This will be located at a nearby island or marina (approx 20 min, depending on yacht location). We will provide you with the guides name and contact number the day before arrival. If you are first staying at a resort, your resort will transfer you back to the airport and we will advise as to where to meet the guide for onward transfer.
Maldives is a tropical country, so weather can be variable. The dry season is Jan to April, and the wet SW monsoon season is May to Oct. Nov/Dec is the transition period and can have occasional inclement weather. It can still rain in the dry season and be really sunny in the wet season. Periods of not-so-good weather (rain/ wind/ storms) are possible during the wet season. As much as we would love it to be windless and sunny all the time we can’t guarantee that, so bring a book & a hard drive of movies (we have some on board). Please appreciate we can't control the weather so do retain your sense of humour should it not be perfect. Poor weather is usually short-lived.
All cabins have air-conditioning as well as a big fan. The AC runs only when the generator is on (which is til 11pm). If conditions are windless, or is is raining, AC will then run during the night as required.
There is no malaria in the Maldives. There are hardly ever mosquito’s on board, but sometimes the odd one can sneak on, so bring some anti-mosquito cream/spray just in case. A dab of plain white toothpaste onto an mossie bump works wonders to reduce the itchiness.
Each cabin has a 240V power point with an international multi-socket, & 2 USB points. Electrical items must be rated for 150V -240V range. Please check your appliances are compatible. Do note that 150V-only items can’t be used as they will blow the power. The power draw of laptops, cameras etc are high, so please only charge these whilst the generator is running and do not leave plugged in overnight. Only use a hairdryer when generator is on.
Free wifi is available on board (15GB per trip per group). If you plan to use the internet a lot, we suggest getting a data package at the airport ($30/15GB). It helps to switch off all the automatic updates on your phone/ipad/computer to reduce data use. There is good signal is most areas you will travel too. In certain areas signal will be poor, and sometimes there will be no signal when crossing between atolls.
Local currency (rufiyaa) is available on arrival at the currency exchange or ATM at the airport. It is useful in case you would like to buy souvenirs or anything at the local shops on the islands. Shops on the bigger islands frequented by tourists do accept USD or credit card as payment. Payments for dives are direct to the operator. Not all accept credit card. Dives are charged in USD.
Please settle your bar bill in cash (USD) at the end of the trip. Bank transfer on the last night of trip may also be accepted by prior arrangement. trip. Crew gratuity in USD/EUR is optional, but would be much appreciated.
Please bring a refillable water bottle with you, to use at night for next to your bed. No hard luggage please. Use soft bags, preferably without any kind of frame. Storage space on a yacht is very limited and hard cases are difficult to stow away. Packing cubes help keep clothes tidy. If your charter group is only occupying 2 cabins or less, then hard luggage is fine (stored in spare cabin).
Pack light. You won’t need much more than a few T-Shirts and shorts/ dresses, and some swimming costumes. A good rule of thumb is to pack what you think you need, and then divide it by half! Or more! No shoes are required. Bring a pair of flip flops/sandals to use when visiting local islands. Long sleeve rash vest, cap or hat, sunglasses are good to keep the sun off. Sarongs are very useful. Maldives is a Muslim country, so ladies must have shoulders/thighs covered when visiting local villages. Men need to have chests covered on local islands.
Soap and hand wash are supplied. Please bring your shampoo and conditioner with you. Bath towels & swimming towels are provided; please bring your own beach towel. Bring lots of sunscreen, but please NO spray-on sunscreens as these discolour the fibreglass deck. Earplugs can be useful if you are a very light sleeper.
Bring motion sickness tablets if you are susceptible to sea sickness. The yacht is stable, but some rocking is possible in inclement weather. Motion sickness wristbands work well. Most people get their “sea-legs” in a day or two. Hairdryers/hair irons can only be used when the generator is running because of their huge power draw. Please do not use these items until you have asked the skipper to turn on the generator. Failing to do so can damage the yachts power supply.
The skipper will decide on the best route to take based on weather and swell conditions. Your comfort & safety is his foremost concern. If you would like to actively participate in sailing, let the skipper know and he'll let you take the helm when it is safe to do so.
The underwater marine life is incredible. Unfortunately there has been extensive coral bleaching in Maldives, and although there are still some areas where Soft corals can seen, this is mostly on the reefs fringing the atolls which require favourable sea conditions to snorkel. Despite the inner atoll reefs being adversely affected by coral bleaching the marine life is still amazing. You will see many types of brightly coloured fish, sea turtles, dolphins and sharks. Manta rays and whale sharks (Ari only) are seasonal, and even in the right season cannot always be guaranteed although the crew will do their best to find them for you.
Basic snorkels, masks and fins in various sizes available for guest use. To ensure a good fit you are welcome to bring your own. We have the following fin sizes on board: 1 x 45-47 (UK 11); 3x 43-44 (UK 9-10); 4x 41-42 (UK 7-8); 1x 38(UK 6); 3x 36-37 (UK 5); 1x 34-36(UK 2-4); 1x 33-34 (UK 1-1.5) (*availability subject to change) Diving can be arranged at additional cost with dive centres at various local islands and some resorts. Bring your dive certification with if you plan to dive. Ensure that your travel insurance covers diving.
Surf season is May – Oct, with the biggest swells June – August. Just like the weather, we can’t guarantee the surf. Sometimes it can flat; sometimes the wind direction isn’t favourable. We will do our best to find you good waves to surf, but we have to deal with what Mother Nature and Neptune throw at us. Surf as much as you can when the waves are good, and keep your sense of humour if they’re not. Maldives is a tropical paradise; there are plenty of fun things to do on the flat days. We encourage guests to follow surf line-up etiquette in the water to ensure a pleasant surf session for everyone. As much as possible we will try to find you uncrowded waves, but this can’t be guaranteed.
Booties aren’t absolutely necessary, but are advisable. Bring along some tropical or warm water wax. We strongly recommend RsPro Hexatraction as an environmentally friendly alternative to wax. So much nicer never to have to wax up! Bring along a day bag surfboard cover/boardsock for each board. These protect boards when getting to/from the surf break in the dingy and when being stowed on board. Note that internal domestic flights do not accept boardbags over 7ft in length. Maldivian Air has never actually measured a bag, but you never know!
We do request that guests indicate their likes/dislikes in the booking form, as this assists the hostess in meal planning. The more info you provide the better meals can be tailored to your preference. Provisioning is done before your trip as there is little available en route. We provide snacks on board – there will be biscuits, fruit, crisps and chocolates available. If you have a specific preference for sweets/ chocolates/energy bars you are welcome to bring these with you. Juice, soft drinks, water, tea and coffee are provided free of charge.
There is a French Press & Moka pot on board. We do supply filter coffee for this but due to lack of variety available locally we suggest to guests to bring along a pack or two of your favourite ground coffee blends. You are welcome to bring your Vegemite along – none is available in the Maldives. It is permitted to bring most food items into Maldives, including meat. Feel free to bring along any specific snacks that you like.
Do note that pork products are banned as it is a Muslim country. Alcohol cannot be brought into the Maldives. If found in your carry-on or checked luggage during xray examination it will be confiscated.
We have trolling and spinning rods on board, and a small selection of lures. Keen fisherman are encouraged to bring lures with, and we can advise on what works best, just ask us before your trip. Note we do not permit shark fishing, and sailfish & marlin are catch and release only. For all other fish species, you are welcome to keep your catch for lunch and supper.
Please bring your prescriptions medication with you. Most local islands have a clinic where a limited selection of medication is available. We do have a first aid kit on board. Ladies please note that no tampons are available on local islands, so bring these with you. Please do not put these into the toilet, but in the bin provided. Drugs are strictly prohibited and very stiff penalties are imposed. All hand luggage is scanned on arrival.
This optional and at the guests discretion. However the crew work very hard & would greatly appreciate a gratuity if you’re happy with their service. The Yacht Brokers Association suggest a 8 - 15% range on the base rate of the charter (excl taxes & transfers). USD/EUR cash is ideal, but the skipper also has USD/EUR bank details if a bank transfer is easier (funds can be transferred to the yachts account for onward dispersement to the crew).
Ask us anything! There is no such thing as a stupid question on a yacht. If you aren’t sure how anything works please just ask a member of the crew. Sailing holidays are always adventures. Expect the unexpected. Bring along a sense of humour and you’ll have a great time.
If you still have any questions please email us on: [email protected]
Contact details on arrival if required: Skipper Nick 960 - 959 5746
A thirty day free visa is issued on arrival for all Nationalities, provided your passport has at least 1 months validity. Please check your passport. Due to a recent update in local regulations in the Maldives, only owners of the yacht (or their family & friends) are permitted to travel aboard foreign-flagged yachts like ours. To ensure your trip is both legal and seamless, we’ve created a unique solution that allows you to enjoy your charter without any hassle. By issuing you Class B shares in the yacht for your trip, you join us as shareholders/owners. You can read more about it here. It requires no action on your part.
We will complete the Imuga form on your behalf and send you the screenshot & QR code before you depart. As you'll be a shareholder/owner for the trip, you will enter on a crew visa instead of a tourist visa. This still allows you to visit resorts should you be doing a resort + charter trip. On arrival at immigration, if asked, inform them you are joining Yacht Shantaram as crew.
If you are joining the yacht directly on arrival, you will be met on arrival by one of our representatives from Secret Paradise. They will assist you in getting a Travel data sim if you require one, and will escort you to the awaiting private speedboat to be transferred to the yacht. This will be located at a nearby island or marina (approx 20 min, depending on yacht location). We will provide you with the guides name and contact number the day before arrival. If you are first staying at a resort, your resort will transfer you back to the airport and we will advise as to where to meet the guide for onward transfer.
Maldives is a tropical country, so weather can be variable. The dry season is Jan to April, and the wet SW monsoon season is May to Oct. Nov/Dec is the transition period and can have occasional inclement weather. It can still rain in the dry season and be really sunny in the wet season. Periods of not-so-good weather (rain/ wind/ storms) are possible during the wet season. As much as we would love it to be windless and sunny all the time we can’t guarantee that, so bring a book & a hard drive of movies (we have some on board). Please appreciate we can't control the weather so do retain your sense of humour should it not be perfect. Poor weather is usually short-lived.
All cabins have air-conditioning as well as a big fan. The AC runs only when the generator is on (which is til 11pm). If conditions are windless, or is is raining, AC will then run during the night as required.
There is no malaria in the Maldives. There are hardly ever mosquito’s on board, but sometimes the odd one can sneak on, so bring some anti-mosquito cream/spray just in case. A dab of plain white toothpaste onto an mossie bump works wonders to reduce the itchiness.
Each cabin has a 240V power point with an international multi-socket, & 2 USB points. Electrical items must be rated for 150V -240V range. Please check your appliances are compatible. Do note that 150V-only items can’t be used as they will blow the power. The power draw of laptops, cameras etc are high, so please only charge these whilst the generator is running and do not leave plugged in overnight. Only use a hairdryer when generator is on.
Free wifi is available on board (15GB per trip per group). If you plan to use the internet a lot, we suggest getting a data package at the airport ($30/15GB). It helps to switch off all the automatic updates on your phone/ipad/computer to reduce data use. There is good signal is most areas you will travel too. In certain areas signal will be poor, and sometimes there will be no signal when crossing between atolls.
Local currency (rufiyaa) is available on arrival at the currency exchange or ATM at the airport. It is useful in case you would like to buy souvenirs or anything at the local shops on the islands. Shops on the bigger islands frequented by tourists do accept USD or credit card as payment. Payments for dives are direct to the operator. Not all accept credit card. Dives are charged in USD.
Please settle your bar bill in cash (USD) at the end of the trip. Bank transfer on the last night of trip may also be accepted by prior arrangement. trip. Crew gratuity in USD/EUR is optional, but would be much appreciated.
Please bring a refillable water bottle with you, to use at night for next to your bed. No hard luggage please. Use soft bags, preferably without any kind of frame. Storage space on a yacht is very limited and hard cases are difficult to stow away. Packing cubes help keep clothes tidy. If your charter group is only occupying 2 cabins or less, then hard luggage is fine (stored in spare cabin).
Pack light. You won’t need much more than a few T-Shirts and shorts/ dresses, and some swimming costumes. A good rule of thumb is to pack what you think you need, and then divide it by half! Or more! No shoes are required. Bring a pair of flip flops/sandals to use when visiting local islands. Long sleeve rash vest, cap or hat, sunglasses are good to keep the sun off. Sarongs are very useful. Maldives is a Muslim country, so ladies must have shoulders/thighs covered when visiting local villages. Men need to have chests covered on local islands.
Soap and hand wash are supplied. Please bring your shampoo and conditioner with you. Bath towels & swimming towels are provided; please bring your own beach towel. Bring lots of sunscreen, but please NO spray-on sunscreens as these discolour the fibreglass deck. Earplugs can be useful if you are a very light sleeper.
Bring motion sickness tablets if you are susceptible to sea sickness. The yacht is stable, but some rocking is possible in inclement weather. Motion sickness wristbands work well. Most people get their “sea-legs” in a day or two. Hairdryers/hair irons can only be used when the generator is running because of their huge power draw. Please do not use these items until you have asked the skipper to turn on the generator. Failing to do so can damage the yachts power supply.
The skipper will decide on the best route to take based on weather and swell conditions. Your comfort & safety is his foremost concern. If you would like to actively participate in sailing, let the skipper know and he'll let you take the helm when it is safe to do so.
The underwater marine life is incredible. Unfortunately there has been extensive coral bleaching in Maldives, and although there are still some areas where Soft corals can seen, this is mostly on the reefs fringing the atolls which require favourable sea conditions to snorkel. Despite the inner atoll reefs being adversely affected by coral bleaching the marine life is still amazing. You will see many types of brightly coloured fish, sea turtles, dolphins and sharks. Manta rays and whale sharks (Ari only) are seasonal, and even in the right season cannot always be guaranteed although the crew will do their best to find them for you.
Basic snorkels, masks and fins in various sizes available for guest use. To ensure a good fit you are welcome to bring your own. We have the following fin sizes on board: 1 x 45-47 (UK 11); 3x 43-44 (UK 9-10); 4x 41-42 (UK 7-8); 1x 38(UK 6); 3x 36-37 (UK 5); 1x 34-36(UK 2-4); 1x 33-34 (UK 1-1.5) (*availability subject to change) Diving can be arranged at additional cost with dive centres at various local islands and some resorts. Bring your dive certification with if you plan to dive. Ensure that your travel insurance covers diving.
Surf season is May – Oct, with the biggest swells June – August. Just like the weather, we can’t guarantee the surf. Sometimes it can flat; sometimes the wind direction isn’t favourable. We will do our best to find you good waves to surf, but we have to deal with what Mother Nature and Neptune throw at us. Surf as much as you can when the waves are good, and keep your sense of humour if they’re not. Maldives is a tropical paradise; there are plenty of fun things to do on the flat days. We encourage guests to follow surf line-up etiquette in the water to ensure a pleasant surf session for everyone. As much as possible we will try to find you uncrowded waves, but this can’t be guaranteed.
Booties aren’t absolutely necessary, but are advisable. Bring along some tropical or warm water wax. We strongly recommend RsPro Hexatraction as an environmentally friendly alternative to wax. So much nicer never to have to wax up! Bring along a day bag surfboard cover/boardsock for each board. These protect boards when getting to/from the surf break in the dingy and when being stowed on board. Note that internal domestic flights do not accept boardbags over 7ft in length. Maldivian Air has never actually measured a bag, but you never know!
We do request that guests indicate their likes/dislikes in the booking form, as this assists the hostess in meal planning. The more info you provide the better meals can be tailored to your preference. Provisioning is done before your trip as there is little available en route. We provide snacks on board – there will be biscuits, fruit, crisps and chocolates available. If you have a specific preference for sweets/ chocolates/energy bars you are welcome to bring these with you. Juice, soft drinks, water, tea and coffee are provided free of charge.
There is a French Press & Moka pot on board. We do supply filter coffee for this but due to lack of variety available locally we suggest to guests to bring along a pack or two of your favourite ground coffee blends. You are welcome to bring your Vegemite along – none is available in the Maldives. It is permitted to bring most food items into Maldives, including meat. Feel free to bring along any specific snacks that you like.
Do note that pork products are banned as it is a Muslim country. Alcohol cannot be brought into the Maldives. If found in your carry-on or checked luggage during xray examination it will be confiscated.
We have trolling and spinning rods on board, and a small selection of lures. Keen fisherman are encouraged to bring lures with, and we can advise on what works best, just ask us before your trip. Note we do not permit shark fishing, and sailfish & marlin are catch and release only. For all other fish species, you are welcome to keep your catch for lunch and supper.
Please bring your prescriptions medication with you. Most local islands have a clinic where a limited selection of medication is available. We do have a first aid kit on board. Ladies please note that no tampons are available on local islands, so bring these with you. Please do not put these into the toilet, but in the bin provided. Drugs are strictly prohibited and very stiff penalties are imposed. All hand luggage is scanned on arrival.
This optional and at the guests discretion. However the crew work very hard & would greatly appreciate a gratuity if you’re happy with their service. The Yacht Brokers Association suggest a 8 - 15% range on the base rate of the charter (excl taxes & transfers). USD/EUR cash is ideal, but the skipper also has USD/EUR bank details if a bank transfer is easier (funds can be transferred to the yachts account for onward dispersement to the crew).
Ask us anything! There is no such thing as a stupid question on a yacht. If you aren’t sure how anything works please just ask a member of the crew. Sailing holidays are always adventures. Expect the unexpected. Bring along a sense of humour and you’ll have a great time.
If you still have any questions please email us on: [email protected]
Contact details on arrival if required: Skipper Nick 960 - 959 5746